Saturday, February 12, 2011

Zaku III WIP 2

Well, it's been around a month since my last post and I've managed to get some progress on this guy. All the seam lines have been or are in the finishing processes of being removed. I've stared re-sculpting some parts and am about 70% complete minus the paint. Recently, I purchased my first scriber so we'll see how much I can do with that. Hopefully, I won't make a disastrous mistake when scribing panel lines. I will now have to go into overdrive and finish this model quickly as I'm making this for a gunpla competition hosted by the mecha model club Vanpla. The due date is March and the theme is the zaku. You can see all our work and works in progress here:

I'm going to make the shield smaller and fill it in. Before filling it with epoxy putty, I place a couple pieces of styrene and scratched them up with a knife to give them some bite to allow the putty to stick better.

The shield after being filled and shortened.

I've cut out part of the head and filled it. The head will eventually be extended backwards and have a slightly more angular shape.

The shoulder has had Tamiya Basic Type putty applied in thin layers with a paper towel. This gives it a rougher texture.

I'm currently cutting out the elbow protrusion and later I'll be replacing it with something along the lines of rocket launchers.

The sides of the legs have been cut out and have styrene sheets placed in them to hold the putty that the legs will be filled with. Oh! and by the way...

Happy belated Chinese New Year! Even now I'm still getting these red envelopes from random relatives I've never heard of. O_O


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